Are acupuncture needles painful ?
Practitioners use single-use, sterile acupuncture needles, ensuring hygiene.
Acupuncture needles differ significantly from hypodermic needles.
They are ultra-thin, have a solid core, and are about the width of a few strands of hair. Their design allows them to glide through tissue without causing cuts, resulting in minimal discomfort during insertion. Some patients even find the experience so relaxing that they fall asleep with the needles in place.
How many treatments will be required ?
Determining the exact number of treatments depends on various factors and necessitates a thorough consultation and diagnostic assessment. As a general guideline, it's worth noting that recent health issues are typically more responsive to treatment compared to chronic, long-standing conditions.
Which conditions can Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture address ?
TCM and acupuncture don't target Western medical labels for conditions; instead, they focus on treating the unique needs of individual patients. For example, if three people with the same Western diagnosis like "migraine" visit our clinic, they might each receive distinct diagnoses and tailored treatments, all leading to successful recoveries.
TCM possesses a comprehensive diagnostic framework capable of addressing a wide range of health issues. However, like any medical system, it excels in some areas and may have limitations in others. For detailed information about how TCM can benefit your specific condition, we recommend reaching out to your practitioner for guidance.
How many treatments will be required ?
Determining the exact number of treatments depends on various factors and necessitates a thorough consultation and diagnostic assessment. As a general guideline, it's worth noting that recent health issues are typically more responsive to treatment compared to chronic, long-standing conditions.
How frequently should treatments be scheduled ?
Typically, treatments are scheduled on a weekly basis, occasionally bi-weekly. Once a particular issue has been effectively addressed, many patients opt for bi-weekly or monthly sessions to maintain their overall health and well-being. The frequency of treatments can vary based on individual needs and progress.
Is acupuncture covered by my insurance?
Numerous health insurance plans include acupuncture coverage; however, coverage specifics differ among plans. To determine the extent of your policy's acupuncture coverage, I recommend contacting your insurance provider directly.
I accept Blue Cross Blue shield and Aetna in Maryland. I offer the convenience of checking your benefits and handling claims on your behalf. If you have a different insurance provider, I can provide you with a detailed receipt (Also called Super-bill) containing the necessary insurance coding. You can then use this receipt for reimbursement, apply it to a health savings or flexible spending account, or consider it for potential tax deductions.
Are acupuncture needles painful ?
Practitioners use single-use, sterile acupuncture needles, ensuring hygiene.
Acupuncture needles differ significantly from hypodermic needles. They are ultra-thin, have a solid core, and are about the width of a few strands of hair. Their design allows them to glide through tissue without causing cuts, resulting in minimal discomfort during insertion. Some patients even find the experience so relaxing that they fall asleep with the needles in place.
Is acupuncture a suitable treatment for my condition?
Considering that holistic medicine aims to address all aspects of an individual, including their body, mind, and spirit, the general answer to this query is typically "Yes." However, it's important to note that there may be exceptions, and for guidance on a particular medical issue, please reach out to us for personalized advice.
Which conditions can Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture address ?
TCM and acupuncture don't target Western medical labels for conditions; instead, they focus on treating the unique needs of individual patients. For example, if three people with the same Western diagnosis like "migraine" visit our clinic, they might each receive distinct diagnoses and tailored treatments, all leading to successful recoveries.
TCM possesses a comprehensive diagnostic framework capable of addressing a wide range of health issues. However, like any medical system, it excels in some areas and may have limitations in others. For detailed information about how TCM can benefit your specific condition, we recommend reaching out to your practitioner for guidance.
How many treatments will be required?
Determining the exact number of treatments depends on various factors and necessitates a thorough consultation and diagnostic assessment. As a general guideline, it's worth noting that recent health issues are typically more responsive to treatment compared to chronic, long-standing conditions.
How frequently should treatments be scheduled?
Typically, treatments are scheduled on a weekly basis, occasionally bi-weekly. Once a particular issue has been effectively addressed, many patients opt for bi-weekly or monthly sessions to maintain their overall health and well-being. The frequency of treatments can vary based on individual needs and progress.
Is acupuncture covered by my insurance?
Numerous health insurance plans include acupuncture coverage; however, coverage specifics differ among plans. To determine the extent of your policy's acupuncture coverage, I recommend contacting your insurance provider directly.
I accept Blue Cross Blue shield and Aetna in Maryland. I offer the convenience of checking your benefits and handling claims on your behalf. If you have a different insurance provider, I can provide you with a detailed receipt (Also called Super-bill) containing the necessary insurance coding. You can then use this receipt for reimbursement, apply it to a health savings or flexible spending account, or consider it for potential tax deductions.